Go Ducks!

The ducks play in the BCS today against the Auburn Tigers. I'm so proud to be a Duck. And there is so much love in the state of Oregon right now. You can feel the energy in the air!


Music: With A Little Help From My Friends - Ellis Island

Austin has finally moved home! I'm so excited. Over the past 10 months, he lived in Eugene while I've stayed in Portland. We managed to see each other every 2 weeks which was so nice. The hardest part every time was driving away. We'll have to do this again in September, and maybe for a little bit the following fall, but otherwise we're on the home stretch!

I went down last weekend to help him clean, pack, and move stuff to the storage unit. He had been feeling pretty sick the previous week, and I was teasing him that it was just allergies, trying to keep him from believing he was sick in an effort to keep him from getting sicker - does that make sense? Well anyway, I came down with a sore throat, congestion, body aches, fatigue, and chills on June 14. He really HAS been sick! And I got whatever this is from him. But it's ok, because now we're both sick so we don't have to worry about getting each other sick.

I have been using toilet paper as kleenex because I haven't been able to run to the store. Today, I got the super fancy kind - Puffs with lotion! They feel really good on my nose! But I think they should make kleenexes in lots of different colors, tie-dyed, even. Why are they just plain white? Boring! It would make being sick so much more fun, I
Music: With A Little Help From My Friends - Ellis Island
I just gave up Facebook for Lent. I'll probably start blogging more now haha! Facebook can be so toxic and stressful sometimes, so this will be good for me. It's such a habit! Hopefully afterward I'll use it less. One year, when I would blog every day in my Livejournal, I gave up LJ for Lent. Afterward, I rarely ever posted. I was happy that it cured my habit. I don't want to be tied to anything on the computer. I want to get outside more, visit friends and family more, and be able to check more things off my to-do list!

Here's to technological freedom!
I've been waiting 3 years for The Lion King to come to the Keller. I just got an email 15 min ago saying tickets have gone on sale for June 2010 and I'm up an hour early to buy tickets...only to find that they are at least $200 each. Apparently the email was from "Team One Tickets" whatever the hell THAT is. Broadway Across America tickets don't actually go on sale until FEBRUARY ahh I can't wait that long!
Last night made me wonder if some angels walk this earth. There are few people in this life that I may come across who make me consider this. I'm so fortunate.

Nike was spayed yesterday. Looks like we're in it for the long haul and I couldn't be more pleased. :)
I like microRNAs. They're totes my fave molecules. Dr. Carlo Croce's research is really fascinating and exciting to me. Yay science!
"Just enjoy yourSELF! its easy to let time go by without really enjoying yourself. sit at a park by the river and read or watch clouds! very relaxing!" - Austin